The sequel to, SD Gundam Gaiden: Kikoushin Densetsu is a Cardass series in the Knight Gundam series released in 1993, as well as the last entry in the original SD Gundam Gaiden series, ending the overarching plot started in. Three years after the events of Seikihei Mongatari, a new evil empire called the Delaz Kingdom. The only hope left is in the hands of the amnesiac Neo Gundam and the six powerful Kikoshin that are connected to his past. Similar to the Kihei from the last story, the 'Kikoshin' are, and the story's characters are Mobile Suit Gundam Silhouette Formula 91 in UC 0123 and and, interestingly enough,. The story also takes inspiration from both the latter. Tropes associated with SD Gundam Gaiden: Kikoushin Densetsu are:.: Neo Gundam, who has no memory of his past except for his name.: Happens to Luna Gundam via King Aiguille (possessed by Sieg Zeon) which caused him to fight Neo Gundam.: Gungenesis, the True Armor God that is formed by the combination of the 6 Armor Gods.
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When Chaosgaia is the core mecha, they become Gungenocider.: There are several in this series. For example, Neo Gundam himself is one to, as they are both psychics who control a group of.